

Clinlife on tasuta ja hõlpsasti kasutatav veebisait, mis aitab patsientidel kogu maailmas leida kõige asjakohasemad kliinilised uuringud, mis sobivad nende tervisliku seisundiga. See loob seosed uuringukeskuste ja kliiniliste uuringutega tegelevate inimeste vahel ning toob välja kõik teadaolevad uuringud haiguste või terviseseisundite kaupa."

Why did we start ClinLife?

ClinLife's initial purpose and the one that remains till this day, is to make it easier for patients around the world to find clinical research studies. Without clinical research, there would be no new medicines. ClinLife was driven by the following factors:


The lack of participants in clinical research: Up to 80% of the clinical research studies are delayed because of low patient recruitment. Recruitment challenges lead to delays in the availability of new medicines.

Low participation

Current research suggests that less than 10% of the public participates in clinical research studies.

Low awarenessLow participation rates in clinical research studies are often attributed to low awareness by patients and their physicians, as well as the fundamental lack of understanding of how clinical research is conducted and overseen by regulatory authorities.

High demand

Clinical research has an urgent need for patient volunteers as many new promising medicines for unmet needs in chronic, acute and rare disease continue to fill the drug development pipeline.

ClinLife Milestones

The first ClinLife study (type 2 diabetes) was conducted in 2005 in Berlin, Germany. Today, ClinLife is available in 50+ countries and 35+ languages and has successfully connected patients to more than 1,200 clinical trials.

2005 - ClinLife founded
2008 - 1 million ClinLife visitors per year
2015 - 500,000 registered ClinLife members worldwide
2018 - 1000 clinical trials successfully supported
2021 - 1,200 clinical trials 1.4 million members & partnership with 100+ study centers in the USA alone

ClinLife is founded and operated by Clariness, an independent company based in Zurich, Switzerland, with subsidiaries in Germany, the USA and the UK.